PayTech Women – PayTech Women Virtual Auction
Auction Ends: Sep 24, 2024 01:45 PM EDT

View All Items - 69 ITEMS (1 - 30)

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Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Arnold Palmer's Bay Hill Club & Lodge Golf Package 313 Priceless $1,950USDSOLD CLOSED
Tuscany Villa for 10 (7 Nights) 112 $12,000USD $7,000USDSOLD CLOSED
Italian Ferrari Experience for 2 (6 Nights) 111 $10,000USD CLOSED
Jamaica All-Inclusive for 4 (5 Nights) 110 $8,000USD CLOSED
Cabo San Lucas All-Inclusive for 4 (4 Nights) 109 $7,500USD CLOSED
Golf Passport - Choice of 3 Packages 113 $5,000USD CLOSED
Costa Rica All-Inclusive for 2 (5 Nights) 108 $4,500USD CLOSED
Puerto Vallarta All-Inclusive for 2 (5 Nights) 107 $4,000USD CLOSED
Caribbean All-Inclusive for 2 (4 Nights) 105 $4,000USD CLOSED
Fintech Meetup Ticket 334 $3,700USD $1USDSOLD CLOSED
90 Days of Private Mentoring 307 $1,050USD $100USDSOLD CLOSED
Omaha Date Nights 127 Lied LodgePitchCraft Axe ThrowingLet's RoamThe Dinner Detective , Marcy Grimm $443USD $248USDSOLD CLOSED
Date Your Mate - Omaha 128 Top GolfLet's RoamOmaha Community PlayhouseSonlit AcresCheddars $395USD $160USDSOLD CLOSED
Three Fun-Filled Let's Roam Scavenger Hunt Adventures 125 Let's Roam $390USD $75USDSOLD CLOSED
Coach Cross Body Mini Tote Floral Embossed 150 $358USD $165USDSOLD CLOSED
Thompson Hotel Atlanta Dinner Party for up to 10 people! 122 Racquel Anderson $350USD $345USDSOLD CLOSED
1 Hour Photography Session with Spano's Big Picture Photography 333 $350USD CLOSED
Love Painting by Ann Manhart Dirks 322 $325USD CLOSED
1 Free Night Stay at the Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway Hotel 330 $300USD $90USDSOLD CLOSED
Omaha Family Fun 129 Omaha Children's MuseumOmaha Henry Doorly ZooThe Rose $297USD $99USDSOLD CLOSED
Chaos To Boss Session and Planner 306 $280USD $50USDSOLD CLOSED
Hollistic Wellness and Leadership Package 308 Chaos To BossKelli ThompsonAmy McCae Mindfulness Leader Coach $275USD $50USDSOLD CLOSED
Get Your Style On 305 Style Decoded $250USD $90USDSOLD CLOSED
Improving Your Contributions at Work Leadership Package 309 Kelli ThompsonLaPora Lindsey - Consultant $240USD $50USDSOLD CLOSED
Omaha Men's Mav's Sports Package 131 Omaha Mavericks $224USD $50USDSOLD CLOSED
SpaceX over Pier Photograph (Vertical) 144 Angela Summa $200USD $20USDSOLD CLOSED
SpaceX over Pier Photograph (Horizontal) 143 Angela Summa $200USD $45USDSOLD CLOSED
New York - Empire State Building Photograph 148 Angela Summa $200USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
Grand Central Terminal Photograph 147 Angela Summa $200USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
California Sunset Photograph - TStreet 141 Angela Summa $200USD $25USDSOLD CLOSED
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