
What is TreeDiaper®?

If you have ever had to organize care for your plants while traveling, or spent thousands on landscaping just to have part of it die due to under/over watering, then you know the exact frustrations that inspired us. If there was something that could water your indoor plants, hanging baskets, veggie garden, and your trees all by itself, wouldn't you go for it? Well, we've created it, TreeDiaper®!

TreeDiaper® is proudly made in the USA (Ashland, VA). TreeDiaper® is a patented, multi-functional plant protection system. It absorbs rain or irrigation water and slowly releases it back to the plant when the soil dries. It promotes healthy outward root growth that facilitates establishment of newly planted trees and shrubs & enhances the long term health. If you plants get too much water, it will absorb from the soil to prevent root rot. You mulch right over TreeDiaper®, so you don't even see it.

Our Story

Being parents of two, we hate to see disposable diapers go into waste and pile up in landfills. As polymer scientists and engineers, we know how precious the materials used in disposable diapers are. We started Zynnovation LLC to develop novel technologies and give a second life to disposable diapers. We have created and validated a multifunctional plant protection mat, trademarked as TreeDiaper® and SteadySpring®.

TreeDiaper® technology are patented in the United States (US Pat #: 9,565,809, 10,178,834 and 10,624,276) and Israel while pending in a number of other countries around the world.

Featured Product

1036vA- TreeDiaper<sup>®</sup> TD36R, Round Shape ( for plants of ~18" rootball )

$49.89 (USD)

TreeDiaper® TD36R, Round Shape ( for plants of ~18" rootball )


This TreeDiaper® TD36 Advanced Hydration System mat is great for your shrubs and trees with rootball sizes of around 18 inches. We recommend TreeDiaper sizes to roughly double the rootball sizes. If the rootball is much larger than 18", consider larger sizes like TreeDiaper® TD48. Or use this size calculator to figure it out.

TreeDiaper® TD36 is made of two half rings, which can easily be placed around multistem shrubs.

Simply soak the mat in water to get it started, then place it around your plants. Its user-friendly circular shape consisting of two half rings is designed to be placed on top of various types of soil. If you prefer a natural look, just add mulch on top of the mat. Because the TreeDiaper® treemat is made from durable materials, it can be used for years!

As the roots grow outward, consider moving the TreeDiaper outward a little each year during the first 2-5 years of the establishment period.

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In The News

"The product may have its greatest utility where more extensive irrigation and plastic mulch systems are not available or not cost effective."

- Greg Litus, Manager, Colorado State University, Western Colorado Research Center
