Partnering with Non-Profits Since 1998

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Resource for Facilities

Page Highlights
  • Archive of Client and Employee Communications
  • CDC Links Pertaining to Facilities
  • Other Helpful Links
  • Checklists in response to Facility Quarantine and Cleaning
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Services we offer

Facility Management

SFM's systematic model of facility management delivers a standardized method of management and maintenance to your organization.

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Custodial Services

SFM applies our unique cost-plus model to custodial services for those existing customers who want to maintain control of employee benefits and quality control.

Technical Services

SFM has a complete technical division with licensed electricians, HVAC technicians, plumbers, carpenters, and door hardware specialists.

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Software Solutions

All clients have access to our proprietary map-based facility management software and asset replacement forecasting tools.

Service Audits

Examine how your staffing and scheduling can be adjusted to meet your quality expectations and budgetary demands.

Facility Management Consulting

Learn how to better understand the unknowns of facility management and create a culture of high expectations for your facility staff and service vendors.

Upcoming Events

  • DATE: Thursday, October 29, 2020
  • TIME: Discussion from 10:30 AM to Noon
  • WHERE:  Zoom
    After you have RSVP’d to participate in the discussion, you will be sent a link and password to join the Zoom meeting.
  • Cost: Free

The forum will be a discussion on topics such as:

  • New expectations for custodial services, cleaning common services, restrooms, classrooms.
  • Preparation of the lobby and reception area
  • Considerations for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.
  • Planning for weekend services
  • Preparing for special events such as weddings, funerals, meetings.

The subject of indoor air quality has become a prominent issue as schools and churches strive to remain open and provide a healthy environment for their occupants. As facility managers and administrators it has become difficult to navigate recommendations from government agencies and claims from products that have entered the market. The goal of this event will be to discuss all elements of the HVAC system with a trusted expert in the field.  

Mike McDaniel the regional manager for the Tri-Dim Filter Corporation will lead this in-depth conversation.

If you are interested in attending this free event please send your name, job title, and email address to or use the signup form below.

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Some of our clients

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Facility Management for your Church

SFM understands the unique challenges that face church facilities and how to ensure that today's event-driven congregations remain running smoothly.


Facility Management for your School

School maintenance is where we begain over 20 years ago. SFM continues to provide private schools the resources and expertise necessary maintain an effective and efficient maintenance division.


Facility Management for your Non-Profit

SFM has partnered with non-profits since 1998. We understand the unique challenges, as well as advantages, non-profits face in regard to their facility maintenance and maintenance needs.


Why non-profit organizations?

Aren’t the facility needs of most types of industries the same as the facility needs for non-profits? The truth is... yes. But SFM’s singular focus is not about the buildings. It is about the people who occupy the buildings. Non-profit organizations usually share very similar cultures, and the characteristics of these cultures are different from the typical for-profit world.

SFM knows those cultures. We share the desire to make a difference in the world, and we understand that every mission benefits from professionalism and good stewardship.

Here are some of the typical characteristics of the non-profit world:
  • Owner occupied facilities
  • The buildings and grounds are often the largest asset on the balance sheet
  • There is a strong commitment to long term stewardship of the buildings
  • There is a board of volunteers who drive this long term commitment
  • The administration and staff are committed to the mission
  • There is a mission to make a difference in the world

Why Outsource with SFM?

  • Flexible staffing options
  • Maintain quality control
  • Maintain budgetary oversite
  • Eliminate your human resource burden
  • Change the culture of your facility department

Client satisfaction data

Reported the maintenance department effectively addressed requests and concerns
Reported the maintenance team was eager to understand and support client needs
Reported the building was kept clean (this includes other custodial providers managed by SFM)
Reported the buildings and grounds were conducive to quality education
Based on compiled 2018 surveys of customers who work and teach in SFM managed buildings

Any questions about SFM?

Get in touch if you have any questions about how SFM can help you and your facility.

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